
Posts Tagged ‘miley sued by asians’

I just read the post from Pink is the New Blog that Miley Cyrus is being sued by a Southern California woman for the pic seen below. Guess how much? 4 Billion. 4 freaking billion dollars.

In my original post on this story (also below), I stated my feelings that people were getting overheated about the antics of an immature girl. Teenagers are dumb, and yes it’s racist. No, it’s not worth a whole organization publicly attacking Miley, or is it worth 4 billion in damages.

The case will probably be sided towards Miley. Even though, she is a deserving idiot. What’s your guess?

Original Post: (Feb 3, 2009)

miley-cyrus-asian-racist-photoWe’ve got to give the 16 year old a break. But first…

Let me catch you up on the situation. That’s Miley Cyrus in the pic. Her and her friends are pulling their eyes to look like Asians. Racially offensive?

The OCA seems to think so. They’re an Asian-American advocacy group. They want an apology from Ms. Cyrus because they believe her behavior will encourage other youth to be racially insensitive.

Now, what’s the difference between hate and goofin’ off?

That seems to be the age old question. Can we tease each other about race without offending a whole organization? If the OCA gets its apology, will the Asian-American agenda record it as progress. Think about that, in the scope of Asian history:

Tuesday February 3, 2009 the Asian community finally took a stand against immature 16 year olds! They have long oppressed us with their “Me Chinese, me play joke” hate speeches, but we can proudly say we have struck a blow.

Yes, Miley is a role model. And yes, she’s a retard who eats ketchup alone. But we know that lessons on race sensitivity begin in the home. The parent passes their views to the child, and the child chooses to accept them or not. They’re constantly learning. They are always looking and listening to our examples. Don’t attack the insensitive and the immature; Shine the light on more Asian role models. After all, there is a reason why the Asian-American community is proud and strong. Don’t let Miley fucking Cyrus hurt that pride because she’s acting like any dumb kid.

Pick your battles. And Miley…goddamn, WTF…

(And, for the record, I don’t think it’s offensive that I used the word retard up there. People, stop being so sensitive!)

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