
Posts Tagged ‘president obama’

picture-21Obama is at his second town hall meeting in Fort Myers, Florida. He’s talking with people there about his recovery package.

The Senate has just approved their version, which includes more tax cuts than the House’s bill.

It’s obvious from the town hall meetings that several people love Obama, that several people want to see Obama, and that several people want to speak to Obama. (The crowd cheered when he announced the Senate’s passing of his bill – so obviously these are Obama fans.)

But my question is whether he’s the best salesman for this job. I’m only concerned because it opens him to attacks from his critics that he’s a better campaigner than office holder. The buzz from the critics is that Obama must be ignoring some pertinent business in the oval office.

In defense of President Obama, he’s done his work. He’s talked to economists and advisors, he’s planned out his vision, and he’s met with representatives and senators. He hasn’t met with the American people. What are the American people’s fears and concerns? Think about it. Most presidents tell us they know our feelings when they only know through statistics and news stories. Now when Obama says he understands our problems, we can look at these town hall meetings as evidence.

There has always been a bubble around our presidents, and Obama is trying to break it.

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picture-52 How dare I ignore Barack Obama in my graffiti series???

This man has definitely inspired some interesting images and art, and that can be said about the street art around America. There are images of him and his symbol. As usual, I have found most of these images via Flickr users. Click on the images to be taken to the photographer’s photostream.

Of course these are just my favorites. Click here to see all the images, including some copyrighted ones that I couldn’t show.

//Obama Graffiti











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After watching Barack Obama’s speech, man, who can’t help but feel a surge of pride. As a people, we are at the start a long marathon. It’s grueling, we’re tired, and the finish line is far from us. But this man emboldens us to carry each other through one of our darkest hours.

There is already a change.

You can see it in people’s eyes – we are all so proud of this moment and so proud of this man. This man calms our fears. This man cheers our weakened spirits. This man is the best in all of us.

But he cannot do it alone. I want you to visit usaservice.org, a website created by Obama and his team. It is where he will rally the nation to renew our country. There are already projects on there waiting for you!

Let’s rebuild what has been carelessly broken.

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